Friday, December 09, 2005

Public Service Announcement

Whatever you do? Do not, I repeat, do not learn how to needle felt. Beverly was right. It's highly addictive and you immediately find yourself wondering what you have that you can needle felt. I am supposed to be running right now. The dog has been patiently waiting for a good 45 minutes. What have I been doing you ask? I realized in the middle of the night that my mitered felty bag needed a little flower on it. Don't you love when you're thinking about crafting in the middle of the night when you are supposed to be getting rest? I rushed home after dropping my daughter and Carole's daughter off at pre-school to do this. It's too cold right now to run anyway isn't it? Maybe I should just go and see Carole at work and get a pumpkin scone and a latte? One 1/2 pump of chocolate, triple shot, non-fat, no-whip latte to be exact and I am so, not high maintenance!

Oh hell. I'm going to go for a run. Then maybe the scone? Did you know that those damn things have like 22 grams of fat? Why does everything that tastes so good have to be so bad for you? Oh well. I'm off. Chulo will be happy at least.


  • The fact that they are evil is what makes them taste sooooo good. Just like your cookies!!
    Love the flower! I can't wait to do some of this fun stuff!

    By Blogger strangelittlemama, at 10:45 AM  

  • LOVE it! Now I gotta go make more stuff to felt. Christmas knitting? Forget it!!

    By Blogger Beverly, at 5:47 PM  

  • Love the bag.

    By Blogger Chris, at 7:55 PM  

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